Restoring vision- blind “see” through sound with smart glasses
“Smart glasses aids typically leverage computer vision and other sensory information to [MORE]
Single injection reverses blindness
“A Penn Medicine patient with a genetic form of childhood blindness gained vision, which lasted more than [MORE]
Photoreceptor for the Eye
Scientists at Fudan University in Shanghai have created an artificial photoreceptor that restored vision in blind mice. [MORE]
Horus Wearable Device for Blind
Eyra Ltd (Chiasso, Switzerland) is an R&D firm working in artificial intelligence, deep learning, and computer [MORE]
Second Sight Orion
Since its founding in 1998, Second Sight Medical (Syulmar, CA) has developed and tested two retinal prostheses aimed [MORE]
End Stage Glaucoma
In a clinical trial involving 45 people with vision loss due to glaucoma or anterior ischemic optical neuropathy, [MORE]
Macular Degeneration
This past August, a patient at the Moorfield Eye Hospital in London underwent a two hour surgery which placed [MORE]
XploR Smart Cane
A student engineering team at Birmingham City University (UK) has built a walking cane for the blind called [MORE]
Restored Functional Cornea from Stem Cells
Diseases and injury of the cornea are significant causes of blindness and usually treated with [MORE]
Visual Odometry
It takes a lot of technology to simulate a sense of vision. But researchers at Auburn University [MORE]
In a world’s first, surgeons at the Centre for Eye Research Australia have implanted a prototype bionic eye behind [MORE]
Engineers as universities in England and Italy have developed a device that uses laser sensors, cameras, GPS, and directional sounds-not [MORE]
Diagnosing Cataracts
Cataracts arise from damaged protein in the eye. Today’s diagnosis, with slit-lamp microscopes, can identify the condition once the [MORE]