Haley Hoy, PhD, ACNP Education Institution Degree Year Field of Study Vanderbilt University PhD 2008 Nursing , Dissertation : Transplantation Quality of Life University of Alabama in Huntsville MSN 1997 Acute Care Nurse Practitioner University of Alabama in Huntsville BSN 1993 Nursing Certifications: ACNP, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner RN, Registered Nurse Professional Experience • 2010 to present, Interim Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Nursing, UAHuntsville • 2008 to present, Assistant Professor, Nursing, UAHuntsville • 2002 to present, Transplant Nurse Practitioner, Vanderbilt Medical Center • 2005-2008, Member National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice, HRSA • 1997-2001, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Pulmonary • 1998-2008, Nurse Practitioner Instructor, Nursing, UAHuntsville • 1993-1997, Staff and Charge Nurse, Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Publications, Grants, Current and Relevant Presentations Hoy, H., Alexander, S., (2011). The Effect of Transplant Education on Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Organ Donation and Plans to Work with Transplant Patients. Progress in Transplantation, September, 2011. Hoy, H., Alexander, S., Roberts, L.J., Wells, N., Pinson, C.W., & Feurer, I.D. The Negative Effect of Pre-Transplant Body Mass Index on Health-Related Quality of Life after Lung Transplantation. Submitted to Transplantation, under review. Hoy, H., Alexander, S. Payne, J. & Zavala, E. The Role of Advanced Practice Nurses In Transplant Center Staffing Transplant Center Staffing. Progress in Transplantation, invited manuscript, December, 2011. Hoy, H, Co-authored -Publication, in collaboration with the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP), a report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and Congress, “Surge capacity and nursing workforce, published by the Department of Health and Human Services, 2010. Hoy, H, Co-authored Advanced Practice Transplant Competencies, published by North American Transplant Coordinators Association, 2/2009. Hoy, H, Co-authored Publication, in collaboration with the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP), a report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and Congress, “Meeting the needs of the new millennium: Nursing in a changing healthcare environment”, published by the Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 Hoy, H, Co-authored Publication, in collaboration with the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP), a report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and Congress, “Addressing new challenges facing nursing education”, published by the Department of Health and Human Services, 2008. • 2011-UAHuntsville Research Ifrastructure Investment Grant Program recipient at the level of $74,910, “The development of a web-based mobile technology application for healthcare providers in transplant care”-awarded. • 2010--UAHuntsville Junior Faculty Distinguished Research (JFDR) research grant recipient at a level of $10,138, “The effect of transplant education on nurses' attitudes toward organ donation and advocacy for transplantation: Instrument development”, at a level of $10,138,-Awarded • 2009—North American Transplant Coordinators Association Grant “Effects of Transplant Education on Nurses’ Attitudes regarding Organ Donation and Desire to Work in Transplantation,” $5,825-awarded. • 2009—Novartis Pharmaceuticals Grant “Use of Mycophenolate in Lung Transplant Patients,” Lambright, E., Hoy, H., $110,000-awarded. • Chairman, Developed first clinical symposium for transplantation Nurse Practitioners Now heald annually and attended by > 100 NPs across the nation, 2/2005. 10/2006, 10/2007, 10/2009, 10/2010, 10/2011. • Podium presentation, North American Transplant Coordinator’s Organization, “The last ten years in transplantation”, January, 2011 • Editorial Review Board, Progress in Transplantation, 2011 • Co-chair, Nurse practitioner/Advanced Practice session, North American Transplant Coordinators Organization (NATCO), 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. • “Lung Transplantation”—invited lecturer, Vanderbilt School of Nursing, March 2010, April 2011. • “Evidenced Based Practice in Transplant”—presented to North American Transplant Coordinator Organization (NATCO), January 2010 • “2010 Symposium for Advanced Transplant Professionals”—invited Program Chair, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, January 2010 • “Utilization of Nurse Practitioners in Transplant Centers”—poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, November 2009 • Advisor, MBA project, Transplant nurse practitioner billing model and proforma” abstract presented at the Vanderbilt Transplant Center lecture series, Vanderbilt Medical Center November, 2010 • Invited podium presentation, Hypertension and obesity and transplantation,” the International Transplant Nurses Society in Hilton Head, April, 2010 • 2011 American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) Nurse Practitioner State Award for Excellence DISCLOSURE: Dr. Hoy has no significant financial relationships to disclose. |
Haley Hoy's posts:
Haley Hoy, PhD, RN, ACNP
Interim Associate Dean Graduate Studies
University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA
Susan Alexander, DNP, RN, [MORE]