Smart Radio
“Cognitive radio” refers to electronic devices that can automatically switch between radio frequencies to find the fastest frequency [MORE]
Otoscope iPhone
A California company, CellScope, has developed an attachment to the iPhone’s camera that functions as a digital [MORE]
Jarvik 2000 Artificial Heart
Last May 24th, surgeons at the Bambino Gesu’ Hospital in Rome implanted the world’s smallest artificial [MORE]
Sensory Vapour Technology for Electronic Nose
During the 1970’s, Linus Pauling at Cal Tech did pioneering work in breath analysis, [MORE]
Michael Snyder
This piece is about Stanford geneticist Michael Snyder’s own experience with personalized genomics. For two and a half [MORE]
The idea of a language translation device took root in a DARPA project several years ago, and then passed [MORE]
Mini Sequencer
DNA sequencing is an idea that has launched many ships, and the latest technology in this field is [MORE]
Breath Tester
Dogs can be trained to detect the smell of lung cancer in a person’s breath—with 98% accuracy. With [MORE]
Alexis Borisy (left) and Michael Pellini lead an effort to make DNA data available to help cancer patients.
With lower costs [MORE]
Everyone knows that a good diet and exercise promotes health and wellness, but the biochemistry involved remains vague. Researchers [MORE]
Light-Actuated Cantilever
First, imagine a drop of water on a waxed car hood: the drop beads up. Then, on an [MORE]
Ultrasound Headset
The signature combat wound of the Iraq War has been brain trauma, and as in previous wars, the military’s [MORE]
Brain Electrodes
Surgery can be the only option for epileptics with uncontrolled seizures, but knowing which location in the brain [MORE]
Pituitary Cells
This is one of those things that is almost inconceivable until it happens: scientists at Japan’s RIKEN Center for [MORE]