POSTS TAGGED AS remote monitoring

Joint Commission’s New Standards for Telehealth

July 9, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Joint Commission launches new telehealth stamp of approval for virtual healthcare providers
“The Joint Commission announced . . . a new [MORE]

Blockchain in Healthcare

May 17, 2022 | | Posted in Newsletter

Block chain in healthcare
“Patient data can be kept on blockchain ledge and patients and doctors can be secure in knowing [MORE]

5 New Innovations Centers

November 16, 2021 | | Posted in Newsletter

Healthcare Innovation
“We love innovation so long as it’s nothing new” may be the mantra of most healthcare systems, but here [MORE]

Trends from the CES

March 9, 2021 | | Posted in Newsletter

Samsung Bot Care and Bot Handy – shown at CES
Always a good show, and even if this year’s was virtual [MORE]

Sound Amplifying and Analyzing Stethoscope

July 29, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

Thinklabs Stethoscope
The human body is a noisy environment, not even counting external sounds. Ancient Chinese physicians trained to detect hundreds [MORE]

ROI Tool for Remote Monitoring

September 3, 2013 | | Posted in Newsletter

Cerner Patient Portal_
Two organizations—the Center for Technology and Aging (Oakland, CA) and the Center for Connected Health (Boston, MA)—have [MORE]

Methodologies for Assessing Telemedicine

February 28, 2012 | | Posted in Newsletter

Telemedicine is a relatively new and rapidly evolving field; consequently, there is much debate over its means and effectiveness.  [MORE]

Monitoring Vital Signs Through Walls

February 14, 2012 | | Posted in Newsletter

“EPIC” is the acronym Plessey Semiconductors (Plymouth, UK) has given to its electric potential integrated circuit system which monitors [MORE]

Mobile Health at Last Month’s CES

February 7, 2012 | | Posted in Newsletter

Full-Body-Sensor Suit
At CES 2012 in Las Vegas last month, mobile health was a prominent theme, with providers introducing wearable [MORE]

Wireless Health Conference 2010, October 4 -7, San Diego

August 31, 2010 | | Posted in Newsletter

Wireless Conference
The new technologies and new business models that are emerging from the convergence of wireless communications and life sciences [MORE]

Effects of Medication Non-Adherence on the Healthcare System

May 24, 2010 | | Posted in Expert Interviews,Resources

The impact of non-adherence to medication regimes is discussed by Dr. Bruce Kehr, Chairman of the Board of Directors and [MORE]

Technology Solutions for Long-Term Care by Daniel Wrappe

May 14, 2010 | | Posted in Expert Interviews,Resources

Daniel D. Wrappe, CEO of Wireless MedCare, LLC,  describes the common problems of long-term care – managing issues related to [MORE]

Iyer Sees Wireless Technology As Solution to Big Healthcare Challenges

May 5, 2010 | | Posted in Expert Interviews,Resources

Anand Iyer, PhD, President and COO,  WellDoc Communications,  describes what he see as the number one challenge in healthcare today [MORE]

Half-Million $ Grants for Remote Monitoring

February 9, 2010 | | Posted in Newsletter

The Center for Technology & Aging, a not-for-profit organization in Oakland, CA, has a RFP for remote monitoring of [MORE]