AI models using retinal images achieve near perfect accuracy in diagnosing autism
“This diagnostic study examined the potential of deep learning [MORE]
Cryopreserved microglial cells
From neuroscientists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai: “We found that human microglial cells have [MORE]
Machine learning vs. deep learning
From researchers at Georgia State University: “We conduct[ed] a large-scale systematic comparison profiled in multiple classification [MORE]
Measuring cortisol in cerumen with special cotton swab
Two groups of researchers in London have created and tested a simple tool [MORE]
One of telemedicine’s strengths is in supporting patients with psychiatric problems—particularly for medication adherence. But this piece reports findings [MORE]
It seems too simple that a single peptide could be the key to human happiness, but psychiatric researchers at [MORE]
Comparative- effectiveness research aims to generate evidence about medical treatment choices. Finding that old fashioned diuretics are generally more effective [MORE]