Plugging Organoids into the Brain

June 25, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Providing lab-grown ‘cerebral organoids’ with connections similar to those in real brains enhances their development and activity
“To understand the mechanistic [MORE]

Kidney Organoids Effective against Polycystic Disease in Mice

June 25, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Scientists grow ‘mini kidneys,’ reveals new insights into metabolic defects and potential therapy for polycystic kidney disease
“’Mini kidneys,’ or kidney [MORE]

Organoids from Amniotic Cells

May 7, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Organoids made from amniotic fluid will tell us how fetuses develop
From Tel Aviv University: “As a fetus grows in the [MORE]

Lab Grown Testis

April 30, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Towards a “Testis in a Dish”- generation of mouse testicular organoids
“Here, we [at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel] generated testis [MORE]

Heart Organoids in Pregestational Diabetes-Congenital Heart Defects

April 9, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

ER stress and lipid imbalance drive diabetic embryonic cardiomyopathy in an organoid model of human heart development
“Using an advanced human [MORE]

Lab-Grown Retinas

March 19, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Retinoic acid signaling regulates spatiotemporal specification of human green and red cones
“Trichromacy is unique to primates among placental mammals, enabled [MORE]

Tears in a Dish

March 12, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Human conjunctiva organoids to study ocular surface homeostasis and disease
“Here, we [at the Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht] describe long-term expanding organoids [MORE]

Optogenetics Control of Gene Expression in Organoids

January 2, 2024 | | Posted in Newsletter

Spatiotemporal, optogenetic control of gene expression in organoids
“Here we [Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin] combined optogenetics and gene [MORE]

Organoids Secrete Tooth Enamel

October 24, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

Single-cell census of human tooth development enables generation of human enamel
“Here, we [University of Washington School of Medicine] use single-cell [MORE]

Synthetic Extracellular Matrix for Culturing Endometrial Organoids

October 17, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

Synthetic extracellular matrix supports endometrial organoids.
“[Researchers at Tufts and MIT] and their team designed a synthetic ECM [extracellular matrix] using [MORE]

Brain Organoids without Using Matrigel

September 26, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

Researchers Create First Animal-Free Brain Organoids
“The latest U-M research, published in Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, offers a solution [MORE]

High-Speed Live Cell Interferometry

August 22, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

Improved bioprinted tumor organoids help predict treatment response
“The team [at UCLA’s Johnson Comprehensive Cancer Center] combined their bioprinted cells with [MORE]

Converting Stomach Stem Cells for Treating Diabetes

August 15, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

Stomach stem cells hold promise as a cure for diabetes
“Researchers [at Weill Cornell Medicine] have taken stem cells from the [MORE]

Organoids for Cancer Subtypes

August 8, 2023 | | Posted in Newsletter

Organoids could guide personalized therapy for head and neck cancers
“Since most head and neck cancer patients relapse, and there is [MORE]