Electronic Nose
Alexander Graham Bell had an interesting observation: “If you are ambitious to find a new science, measure a smell.” [MORE]
CRISPR Cas Method
Gene editing technology known as CRISPR has only been known to science for four years, but its impact [MORE]
Prosthetic Seeing Hand
Bioengineers at Newcastle University in the UK have designed a prosthetic hand with an internal camera that sees [MORE]
Cancer Cells
Inserting a unique small molecule azides (sugar) into triple negative breast cancer cells created a receptor in those cells [MORE]
Robot for Eye Surgery
Last January 12th, surgeons at University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium used a robot to insert a microneedle [MORE]
3D Bioprinter for Skin
Using a 3-D printer to create functional skin, Spanish scientists show (see the video) how they can [MORE]
Foundation Medicine (Cambridge, MA) and Guardant Health (Redwood City, CA) both have genomic sequencing platforms for genomic cancer. Foundation analyzes [MORE]
SINTEF Developers of Microscopic Radiation Sensor
An international group of engineers has built a sensor the size of a single human [MORE]
Blood Test
During pregnancy, a protein derived from the DLK1 gene on Chromosome 14 rises in the mother’s blood, though it [MORE]
Sporadic CJD
Protein misfolding is a common feature of Crutzfeldt-Jacob, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. But in each case, the proteins are [MORE]
CRISPR-Cas9 Mode of Action
About 30% of drugs in clinical trials are withdrawn because of safety issues, several of which present [MORE]
Laser Scalpel
Laser scalpels were invented in 1964, and mostly rely on a single crystal, such as sapphire or garnet, doped [MORE]
CT Scan of Stroke
The incidence of ischemic stroke, caused by a blood clot, is nearly 700,000 per year in the [MORE]
Artificial Intelligence
“Deep Learning” in medical diagnosis applies to many technologies. First, a large study set is computer analyzed to find [MORE]