3D-printed hearts pump new life into cardiac care
“In the future, doctors could potentially use this technology to first print a [MORE]
TAVR placement gets optimized with use of pumping, 3D-printed hearts by MIT researchers
“There are no treatments for aortic stenosis, a [MORE]
MIT engineers design an implantable soft robotic ventilator
“Here we [engineers at MIT] show, in a porcine model of varied respiratory [MORE]
New CRISPR gene-editing system can “drag-and-drop” DNA in bulk
A new technique has been added to the CRISPR gene-editing toolbox. Known [MORE]
Robotic Pill Effective for Oral Delivery of Medications Like Insulin
“Penned “RoboCap,” the capsule is designed to deliver protein-based and other [MORE]
RoboCap- Robotic mucus-clearing capsule for enhanced drug delivery in the gastrointestinal tract
“Oral drug delivery of proteins is limited by the [MORE]
Human radar’ device tracks movement, gait speed of Parkinson’s patients at home
“Researchers from MIT and the University of Rochester have [MORE]
MIT-Implantable-Device With a new approach, blocks the scar tissue (pictured) that usually develops around medical implants
“Researchers at MIT have developed [MORE]
Cardiovascular Disease Projections in the United States Based on the 2020 Census Estimates
“By the year 2060, compared with the year [MORE]
After the lids are deposited onto the PLGA cups, the particles are heated slightly to form a tight seal between [MORE]
Tiny ultrasound stickers a breakthrough in continuous real-time imaging
“Engineers at MIT have designed a tiny sticker that can deliver continuous [MORE]
PhD student Reginald Avery is developing an injectable material that patches ruptured blood vessels
Chemical engineers at MIT have developed a [MORE]
MIT neuroscientists expand CRISPR toolkit with new, compact Cas7-11 enzyme
“It was already known that Cas7-11 is a combination of five [MORE]
A Ceramic-Electrolyte Glucose Fuel Cell for Implantable Electronics
“This work [from engineers at MIT] shows that ceramic electrolytes can be used [MORE]