Mobile Devices
It’s not a matter of knowing the need, but rather how to act on the need that is [MORE]
Technology, Wireless, Mobile and MORE NEWS
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC) has decided to outsource some of its IT work to [MORE]
This story, billed as a White Paper on imaging informatics, actually is a docutisement (free download, 4 pages) for IBM [MORE]
The Analystics group of the Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society (HIMSS) recently found that nearly every hospital IT executive [MORE]
Brandon Savage, Chief Medical Officer, GE Healthcare Integrated IT Solutions
General Electric has created a new business unit-eHealth-aimed at helping physicians [MORE]
There is a need for significant overhaul of current medical information technology to better support the complex processes of healthcare [MORE]
The technology marketing research firm, Allied Business Intelligence, Inc. (Oyster Bay, NY) projects that the global market for WiFi enabled [MORE]
The US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has prepared a “toolkit” (actually, it’s a template with references) to guide [MORE]
Adam Cheyer
Google, Yahoo, et al are Search Engines. But Silicon Valley engineer Adam Cheyer envisions “do engines” or delegating computing. [MORE]
In the three-quarters of a trillion dollar economic stimulus President-elect Obama is proposing, about $100 billion is slated for healthcare-roughly [MORE]
In this session, Dr. Crounse shares his perspectives on leading healthcare trends and, more importantly, the impact these trends will [MORE]