Conformational restriction shapes the inhibition of a multidrug efflux adaptor protein
“Membrane efflux pumps play a major role in bacterial multidrug [MORE]
As Omicron mutates wildly the virus shows first signs of convergent evolution
“These mutations all seemed to be converging in a [MORE]
Multistep Lateral Flow Devices for Advanced Assays
“Researchers at Georgia Tech have developed a lateral flow test platform that can perform [MORE]
Researchers show tiny heater for regulating heat in diagnostic samples
The Covid-19 pandemic exposed several infectious disease limitations regarding testing. In [MORE]
NUS test kit enVision
A*STAR scientists in Singapore have developed a pathogen DNA system that has visible detection—a system called “enVision” [MORE]
Nanobots grab MRSA bacteria
Using gold nanowires coated with platelets and red blood cells, bioengineers at the University of California in [MORE]
Face mask
Pictures from the Great Influenza at the end of World War I show groups of people wearing surgical masks [MORE]
Researchers at the Ếcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne have engineered a matchbox-sized device that can indicate the presence of [MORE]
Larry – the vomiting robot
Before cringing at the thought of a robot that throws up, remember that British physician [MORE]
Prisons around the world are reservoirs that generate drug resistant tuberculosis, and when infected prisoners are released the disease [MORE]
Annual influenza visitations involve two factors: the strain of the virus, and the traffic pattern in which it moves. [MORE]
This piece is best summarized in its own words: “For the first time, researchers from Cambridge have used DNA sequencing [MORE]
Xenex Robotic Room Disinfection
This piece describes (with video) a housekeeping robot made by Xenex (Austin, TX), which uses UV [MORE]
Cell Phone Detection of E. coli
By designing a miniature florescent microscope that can affix to a smart phone, over [MORE]