Key to Sensory Cell Formation Could Lead to Hearing Loss Treatments
“Researchers based at the University of Southern California (USC) have [MORE]
The snail-shell-shaped part of the inner ear that houses hair cells
“Using single-cell RNAseq, advanced imaging, electrophysiology, and lineage tracing, Quan [MORE]
The snail-shell-shaped part of the inner ear that houses hair cells
“Using single-cell RNAseq, advanced imaging, electrophysiology, and lineage tracing, Quan [MORE]
Dental implants could serve as effective hearing aids
“People are likely to have natural teeth replaced with dental implants as they [MORE]
“Hearing contact lens” claimed to outperform regular hearing aids
“The “alpha” hearing aid, from research at the University of Tūbingen, is [MORE]
Best frequencies and temporal delays are similar across the low-frequency regions of the guinea pig cochlea
“Here, we [researchers at Linköping [MORE]
Earbuds may soon detect ear infections, other ailments
“A team led by researchers at the University at Buffalo has used Bluetooth [MORE]
Battery-Free Device Acts as Artificial Cochlea
“The device [from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China] consists of barium titanate [MORE]
Superhuman spatial hearing technology for ultrasonic frequencies
From acoustic engineers at Aalto University (Espoo, Finland): “we describe a method whereby an [MORE]
Superhuman spatial hearing technology
From acoustic engineers at Aalto University (Espoo, Finland): “we describe a method whereby an in-situ listener with [MORE]
Mapping hearing
Researchers at Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden report: “. ..the first three-dimensional frequency analysis of the cochlea using dendritic [MORE]
Brain controlled hearing aid
Most hearing aids are simply sound amplifiers—unable to distinguish individual sounds in a cacophony. But a better [MORE]
Finger vibration hearing
“A novel study published in Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience provides the first evidence that a simple and inexpensive [MORE]
Sonitus in mouth two way radio-molar mic
“Eye teeth,” a term that dates from the 17th century, meaning the two teeth [MORE]