Prototype Artifical Spleen
While the military has a special need to control sepsis, civilian mortality in the US reaches 170,000 annually, [MORE]
Nanosheet Burn Dressing
The body is covered with bacterial species that can cause infections following a burn. Even the best burn [MORE]
PrintAlive Skin Bioprinter
While the Japanese are working on an innovative burn dressing, researchers at the University of Toronto have demonstrated [MORE]
This piece is light on the details, but the basic idea is to extract liver cells from a Type 1 [MORE]
Satirist Dorothy Parker once said she pressed the hospital’s nurse call button whenever she wanted to be alone for an [MORE]
Platelet Bioreactor
With a “bone-marrow-on-a-chip” bioreactor, researchers at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital have been able to culture blood platelets, [MORE]
It’s no revelation that mind-numbing work can lead to mistakes. Pipetting is such a task, which explains why some labs [MORE]
Blood-Test for Multiple Kinds of Cancer
Cancer researchers at the University of Bradford (UK) have shown that a single cell gel [MORE]
Diabetes Microchip
Obesity seems to account for the rise of Type 2 diabetes in children, while an increase in Type 1 [MORE]
Heart Rate Sensing Car Seat
To wearable, implantable and ingestible sensors, add another, seatable sensors. Researchers at the Nottingham Trent University [MORE]
Biobots Use Skeletal Muscle
It might be hard to imagine a personal robot to clean your house, but it’s not farfetched [MORE]
3-D Printed Spine Cage
Damaged discs in the spine can cause vertebrae to fuse with resulting pain and dysfunction. Medicrea (Paris, [MORE]
If you are a Comcast subscriber you might be enjoying Internet access at between 100 and 150 mbs. Not long [MORE]
Vincent's Living Ear
With DNA from Vincent Van Gogh’s great, great nephew, a Dutch artist, collaborating with scientists at Harvard [MORE]