“Fluorescent sensor paint” lights up key markers of Parkinson’s disease
“A research team led by scientists at Germany’s Ruhr University Bochum [MORE]
Producing artificial synapses in the lab
Advanced prosthetics that rely on brain-machine interfaces may have a step forward from Stanford University’s [MORE]
Point of care sensor measures dopamine
A blood test for depression is now conceivable based on a detector that researchers at [MORE]
Braak staging . Parkinson’s Disease
Through imaging studies of 49 Parkinson’s patients and 54 age-matched controls, researchers in Seoul found that [MORE]
Complete GI tract
Using high resolution imaging and electrophysiological sensing of smooth muscle cells in the entire mouse colon, researchers at [MORE]
Only two things can really make you happy…..serotonin and dopamine….., so read a T-shirt at a neurobiology conference in Stockholm. [MORE]
Dopamine Pathways
In two more years, the idea of clinical gene therapy will be a half-century old. Yet, during this time [MORE]
A Midbrain Organoid
The 18th century French neuroanatomist, Felix Vicq-d’Azyr ought to be remembered more often than he is, as he [MORE]
Italian researchers at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute (Milan) have reported their success in transforming human skin cells into functional [MORE]