Nature’s Pharmacy- amphibian peptides with lavender oil heals wounds
This isn’t our usual fare, but it’s too interesting to pass up. [MORE]
Tumor Exosomes- A messenger for cancer progression
“Evidence suggests that exosomes play an important role in angiogenesis. Myeloid leukemia-derived exosomes regulate [MORE]
PAINTing a wound-healing ink into cuts with a 3D-printing pen
“The team [at Nanjing University] developed a system called PAINT, or [MORE]
Tissue nanotransfection (TNT)
Indiana University School of Medicine scientists have developed “a non-invasive, nanochip device that uses a technology called tissue [MORE]
To address oxygen deprivation in the heart, chemical engineers in South Korea “. . . developed a bioengineered mussel adhesive [MORE]
Biomaterial promotes perfusion after ischemia
Living body tissues, when deprived of oxygen (ischemia), die, becoming ulcerous or gangrenous; consequently, restoring blood [MORE]
Blood vessels
For a long time, researchers have assumed that the interior structure of a blood vessel was more crucial than [MORE]
Chip with blood vessels
This piece lacks the essential “nutrient” details in growing blood capillaries in a biochip, but it does [MORE]
Photoacoustic ultrasound for ovarian cancer detection
Late stage ovarian cancer has a high mortality rate; so, early detection is the key [MORE]
Device mimics stress on retinal cells
Age-related macular degeneration often results from new blood vessels growing in the choroidal layer of [MORE]
Texas A&M new platform for forming blood vessels
Texas A&M University engineers have developed a clay-based method for slowly delivering angiogenesis [MORE]
Nano patterned bone implants vascularization
University of Toronto engineers don’t know why bone formation and blood vessel grow proceed faster with [MORE]
3D Patch for Resected Femoral Artery
Vascular grafts and stents work with arteries, but when a blockage plugs up smaller blood [MORE]
Yoshinori Ohsumi
Last month, Yoshinori Ohsumi won this year’s Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries about the cellular [MORE]