2009 Program Schedule
8:00 Registration, Continental Breakfast, Exhibits
9:00 Welcome and Introductions
Robin A. Felder, PhD, Conference Chair
G. Terry Sharrer, PhD, Conference Co-Chair
9:10 Using Technology to Connect the Dots Between Acute Care and
Community-based Care for Older Americans with Chronic Conditions
Howard W. Deichen, MBA, Executive Vice President, MedAssets
9:45 The Anatomy and Physiology of Healthcare Reform: Taking Stock in American
Political Theater….
Kevin Fickenscher, MD, CPE, FACPE, FAAFP,
Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Dell Perot Systems-Healthcare
10:15 Networking Break/Exhibits
11:00 Bridging the Valley of Death, Medical Genetics 2.0, and other Tales of
Translational Genomics Research
Dietrich Stephan, PhD, CEO, Ignite Institute for Individualized Health
Alan Dappen, MD, Medical Director, DocTalker Family Medicine
12:00 Lunch and Exhibits
1:15 The Business of Revolutionizing Healthcare
Christopher Wasden, EdD, MBA, Managing Director
Health Industries Strategy and Innovation, PriceWaterhouseCoopers
1:45 Integrated Process Management Information Technology: The Next Generation in
Medical Efficiency
Bill Harten, MS, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, UNIConnect
2:15 Refreshment break and exhibits
2:45 The Technology-Enabled Nurse
Pamela Cipriano, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Special Advisor to CNO, UVa Health System and, Editor-in-Chief of American Nurse
Peter Suma, HBSc, MBA, LLM, PDAM, ICD.D
Co-Founder, President & Chief Operating Officer, PharmaTrust
3:45 Closing Remarks Drs. Felder and Sharrer
Program Evaluation and Adjourn