MUSING – The Medical Home at Home
Telemedicine has been defined as the technology version of the “Dr. Marcus Welby house call” but replaced with a virtual visit requiring a physician and patient in real time telecommunication. However, with the advent of recording sensors and interpretive computing we are soon to have automated medicine watching over us day and night. Pervasive wellness focuses on ubiquitous physiologic sensing in the home environment. For example, a floor vibration sensor can measure limping, stumbling, falling, and even your mood. Beds and easy chairs can be instrumented to measure heart beats and breathing. Humidity sensors in the bathroom can measure frequency and duration of bathing. And this is just the beginning. All this information can be aggregated and presented in a personalized fashion in order to “nudge” subjects toward health positive lifestyles. Believe it or not, over 2,000 such systems are currently operational in eldercare facilities reducing medical interventions and caregiver burdens.