Researchers elucidate the spatial structure and molecular mechanisms of ‘prime editor,’ a novel gene-editing tool
“The prime editor system composed of [MORE]
Providing lab-grown ‘cerebral organoids’ with connections similar to those in real brains enhances their development and activity
“To understand the mechanistic [MORE]
Highly Scalable, Wearable Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Bioengineers at the University of Tokyo report “a highly scalable, wearable SERS [surface enhanced Raman [MORE]
New production method promises to end medical radioisotope shortages
From the University of Tokyo: “One of the most promising alternatives is [MORE]
Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging
“Researchers at the Tokyo University of Science have applied a new imaging technique in a way that may [MORE]
Images used by AI to diagnose mental disorders
There are no blood or genetic tests for mental illnesses, and they are [MORE]
Classification of platelet aggregates by agonist type
In another platelet report—this one describing work Japanese and Chinese biochemists have done in [MORE]
Diagnosing influenza via a smart phone
Engineers at the University of Tokyo have designed a battery powered device which can array [MORE]
Electronic device monitors cardiomyocytes
This from Japanese cardio-researchers: “For the first time, engineers have demonstrated an electronic device to closely monitor [MORE]
Microplates create neural networks
In order to create brain-on-a-chip devices, neuroengineers have to be able to connect neuron to neuron into [MORE]
Placental Anatomy
The human placenta experiences considerable shear forces as it passes nutrients, water, oxygen, cells, and waste products between the [MORE]
X-ray crystallography has been somewhat limited because the defraction process required a single crystal of, say, protein or DNA [MORE]
Organic Thin Film Transistor
In the late 1980’s, Japanese electrical engineers developed the first organic, thin-film transistors for use in [MORE]
Nano Carriers for Drugs
One of the great unknowns about cancer is how metastasized cells, sometimes, can develop drug resistance, [MORE]