Handheld sensor that tests perspiration for cortisol and provides results in eight minutes.
“A team at the Oregon State University College [MORE]
Diagnosing Mood Disorders with a Blood Test
Biomarker indicators for cancer, diabetes, heart disease and HIV have brought important changes to [MORE]
Measuring stress levels by analyzing cortisol in hair
“In a new study out of Linkoping University in Sweden, a team examined [MORE]
Home test- for stress biomarkers
Some stresses are worse than others, but even minor threats cause adrenalin and cortisol to enter [MORE]
Testing via Smart Phone
In stressful situations, the adrenal glands release cortisol which increases blood glucose for “flight or fight.” Prolonged [MORE]
Neumitra Stress Monitor
Psychiatrists know that unrelenting stress can have serious consequences, from depression and panic attacks to violence [MORE]
Researchers at the University Medical Center and the Fraunhofer Institute in Aachen, Germany have teamed up to create a [MORE]
University of Warwick (UK) researcher Bernard Casey recently presenting his analysis showing that work-related stress accounted for more loss of [MORE]