Microchip nanosensor detects stress hormone from drop of blood
“Researchers at Rutgers University have developed a microchip that can perform real-time [MORE]
BioInk to print living cells
Rutgers University bioengineers have devised means for 3D tissue printing that affords custom environments for different [MORE]
Robot draws blood accurately
“As healthcare staff can find it difficult to see the vein they are attempting to access, complications [MORE]
Microfluidics chemo efficacy testing device
Rutgers University engineers have developed a microfluidics device that not only has a 95% accuracy in [MORE]
Rutgers Venipuncture robot
Over the past year, Rutgers University engineers have put together three existing technologies to automate phlebotomy and blood [MORE]
Inorganic nanoscaffold for stem cell therapy
Rutgers’s engineers have created a biodegradable, inorganic hybrid (BHI) scaffold that can deliver stem cells, [MORE]
Wearable cytometer
Most of the wearable biosensors on the market today monitor heartbeat, respiration and movement. Others are working on blood [MORE]
End to end blood testing device
“. . . researchers at Rutgers University created a device that includes an image-guided venipuncture robot, [MORE]
Human-Like 3D Printed Smart Gel Walks Underwater
Living tissue is watery and soft, which is why engineers at Rutgers University believe [MORE]
4D Printing Low Temperature
Temperature is the fourth dimension in this piece. Rutgers University engineers “used a lithography-based technique that’s fast, [MORE]
Measuring the Strength of Macrophages
A new high-throughput device measures cell strength—important information for determining drug efficacy for hypertension, asthma, muscular [MORE]
Biopriniting of CMA Scaffolds
Biochemists at Rutgers University have shown how to 3-D print scaffolds for tissue culture and regenerative medicine [MORE]
Quoting directly: “Researchers at Rutgers University are now reporting in journal Lab on a Chip on a new barcoding technique [MORE]
A lab team at Rutgers has combined a microfluidics device with electroporation apparatus to open cells as they flow through [MORE]