HighRes robotic system
This piece has an interview with the CEO of HighRes Biosolutions (Beverly, MA) about robotics in laboratory automation [MORE]
Drug Research
Modern drug discovery fundamentally depends on two processes: combinatorial chemistry and high throughput screening. Bruce Merrifield (1963) and Mario [MORE]
Molecular Electronics Charge Rectification
Miniaturization is a mantra for designing electronic biosensors and other devices, particularly implantable ones. Most of today’s [MORE]
Lab Automation
This piece is a masterpiece infographic—about the history, issues, costs and benefits of laboratory automation, leaving us wishing for [MORE]
Most of today’s pacemakers have six to ten years of battery life before they have to be surgically replaced. [MORE]
EnVeTM Light-Weight Ventilator
After a year of test runs, CareFusion (San Diego, CA) has begun sales of its 9.5 [MORE]