POSTS TAGGED AS Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Novel Microparticles with Segmented Surfaces for Different Applications

May 5, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

Complex Particles with Chemically Different Segments
A more effective anticancer chemotherapy would, at once, specifically target a cancer cell, penetrate its [MORE]

Sensored Belt Allows Continuous ECG Monitoring for Two Weeks

January 21, 2014 | | Posted in Newsletter

EKG Monitor
Based on developing “dry” electrodes, which do not need a gel to transmit a heartbeat pulse to an [MORE]

3-D Printing of Tissue Scaffolds

July 17, 2012 | | Posted in Newsletter

In regenerative medicine, bioengineers build tissue scaffolds out of proteins, and grow stem cells upon them.  That may become [MORE]

Using DNA for Permanent Data Storage

March 20, 2012 | | Posted in Newsletter

Because of DNA’s chemical simplicity and structural compactness, engineers have long thought genetic material might be useful for any [MORE]