Toward precision medicine for anxiety disorders.
“We (Indiana University School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry) endeavored to discover blood biomarkers for [MORE]
Myogenic tissue nanotransfection improves muscle torque recovery following following VLM
“This research work tests tissue nanotransfection (TNT) based gene therapy as [MORE]
Tissue nanotransfection (TNT)
Indiana University School of Medicine scientists have developed “a non-invasive, nanochip device that uses a technology called tissue [MORE]
Synthetic switch into insulin
“To test the functional coupling between insulin’s “hinge opening” and receptor activation, we [Indiana University] inserted an [MORE]
Electrical anti-viral face mask
Indiana University engineers have shown how a new material can provide superior control of viral particles. “The [MORE]
Pain assessment
“Please tell me, on this chart, your pain level from 1 to 10 cartoon faces.” Hippocrates could have done [MORE]
Electro bandage breaks up biofilms
Researchers at Indiana University have developed an electronic bandage that generates 1 volt and is capable [MORE]
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Critical limb ischemia is an advanced stage of peripheral artery disease, which arises from atherosclerosis. In the worst [MORE]
Human Inner Ear Organoid
Stem cell-derived tissue from any organ offers a way to test therapeutic drugs. In this piece, Indiana [MORE]