Making drones a reality for medical deliveries
This piece mainly speculates about the rising market for flying drones in agriculture and [MORE]
Ben Shen microbial collection assembled by Pfizer
For nearly a century, the pharmaceutical company collected microorganisms of potential drug value. Now [MORE]
Block Chain
Blockchain is all about security—in data, information and perhaps even wisdom. It is slowly moving into healthcare, as this [MORE]
Blockchain Technology
Merck has obtained a US patent on “crypto-objects.” “The new technology uses machine learning to link physical objects to [MORE]
Using differential equations for statistical modeling, researchers at Penn State’s College of Medicine believe that careful algorithms can [MORE]
Many, if not most, of Tagline’s readers are familiar with automated pharmacy robots, but this piece shows the $7m [MORE]
Over the next five years, the National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the [MORE]
Stephen S. Hall
This piece references an article the excellent science writer Stephen Hall published in Scientific American last March, [MORE]
Pyxis EcoStation
From four billion vials, bottles and ampoules containing regulated materials, American hospitals generate more than 84,000 tons of [MORE]
MRI and Drug Dosing
Positron emission tomography scans and radioactive labels now allow researchers to image a drug’s effect on [MORE]
Pharmocogenics and DNA
Imagine a time-about a century ago-when physicians generally accepted the idea that germs caused disease, but didn’t [MORE]
Medication Kiosk – PharmaTrust
Kiosk-based medicine has suddenly taken a new step with the next wave in direct to consumer marketing [MORE]
WHO estimates that 10% of proprietary drugs on the world market are counterfeit. To address this problem researchers at New [MORE]
WebMD has introduced its new medical application for physicians, “Medscape Mobile,” which contains information on more than 6,000 drugs, has [MORE]