Implantable photonic neural probes for light sheet brain imaging
“We [an international collaboration of photonic scientists] develop implantable photonic neural probes [MORE]
Ultrasound recording could be used in future brain-machine interfaces
Many will recall the remarkable news of BrainGate researchers at Brown University [MORE]
Rapid COVID-19 test sensor
By embedding SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in graphene microchannels, CalTech engineers have what they call a quick and low-cost [MORE]
SARS-CoV-2 RapidPlex
From medical engineers at Caltech: “. . . we propose an ultrasensitive and low-cost telemedicine platform − the SARS-CoV-2 [MORE]
Electronic Skin Fully Powered by Sweat
Engineers at Cal Tech have designed many kinds of biosensors, but in this piece they [MORE]
This story should be a companion piece to the one above: Caltech engineers have developed a “transneuronal control of transcription” [MORE]
Illustration of ATOMS
Remember the “submarine” that travels through the blood stream in the 1966 movie, Fantastic Voyage? That fantasy actually [MORE]
Breast Surgery
Because breast tissue has relatively high optical contrast, laser light can penetrate deeply to find tumor margins during surgery. [MORE]
Bone CLARITY Used on Mouse Tibia
A collaboration between scientists at CalTech, Harvard and Amgen have developed a process called “Bone [MORE]
Do cells use the electrical conductance of double stranded DNA to signal activation of repair proteins when needed? Jacqueline [MORE]