Improved imaging of arterial plaques
“Here we [at the University of California-Davis, and Massachusetts General Hospital] report the first implementation of [MORE]
Ice-based 3D printing paves the way for engineering lifelike blood vessels
“[Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University] show “the possibility of using [MORE]
Dragging 3D printing technique controls pore sizes of tissue engineered blood
“[The] dragging 3D printing technique used here enables the fabrication [MORE]
Pioneering method to engineer blood vessels from natural tissue
“University of Melbourne researchers have developed a fast, inexpensive and scalable method [MORE]
Rapid Regeneration of a Neoartery with Elastic Lamellae
Here (from researchers at the University of Sydney), the development of a novel [MORE]
Robotic thread is designed to slip through the brain’s blood vessels
“Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Massachusetts General [MORE]
3D Blood Vessel Map Reveals Location of Stem Cells
To map blood vessels and stem cells in the brain [mouse], Johns [MORE]
Metabolic Processes Visualized at the Single-Cell Level
“Researchers at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and Biological Sciences [MORE]
Smart Stent coatings release drugs to help healing
Stent engineers at North Carolina State University have “ made a new kind [MORE]
New bone-forming growth factor, Osteolectin
It has long been known that impact exercise—running, jumping, walking—strengthens bone by stimulating osteoblasts. This is [MORE]
Synthetic protocells coated in red blood cell fragments
“Cell-like objects that can directly interface with living biological tissues,” is how one [MORE]
Ultrathin 3D printed endoscope imaging an artery
“A team of researchers led by the University of Adelaide and University of Stuttgart [MORE]
Blood vessels 3D printed with sugar
Imagine a 3D filigree submerges in a mixture of cells and hydrogel. The filigree is [MORE]
Blood vessels made from textiles
European tissue engineers have made strong, pliable “blood vessels” from sheets of extracellular matrix. Moreover, these [MORE]