Stem cells used to successfully treat arthritis in gorilla at Budapest zoo
“Scientists at the University of Sheffield have used mesenchymal [MORE]
Stem cell therapy to reverse arthritis
“With no real forms of treatment other than pain-relieving medications or a full joint replacement, [MORE]
Cartilage in the knee
In mice studies, Stanford researchers “used a molecule called bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) to kick off [MORE]
microRNA and Cartilage regeneration
According to Duke University medical researchers, natural cartilage regeneration occurs in humans depending on the distance of [MORE]
Treating osteoarthritis
The ancient Greeks who coined the phrase “misery loves company” may well have been talking about osteoarthritis—an affliction that [MORE]
Flare Response Hydrogel for Arthritis
People might out-live cancer and heart attacks, but they’re not likely to out-live arthritis. To deal [MORE]
Arthritic Knee
Thinking there might be an injectable therapy instead of joint replacement in some cases of arthritis, researchers at the [MORE]
Nitric Oxide Ge
Quoting directly: “At the Institute for Basic Science in Daejeon, South Korea, scientists have developed a hydrogel that [MORE]
Joint pain, especially from arthritis, seems to be part of the fate of aging. Artificial prosthetics offer some relief, but [MORE]
Uric Acid Crystals
If people don’t die before reaching their hundredth birthday, they enter an especially healthy demographic cohort except for [MORE]
Cartiva Cartilage Implant
Cartiva, Inc. (Alpharetta, GA) has received FDA approval for an artificial cartilage implant in the metatarsophalangeal joint of [MORE]
Increased blood flow in inflamed synovial membranes of joints can reveal arthritis at various stages. While this can be detected [MORE]
Microcapsules Used to Deliver CNP for Osteoarthritis
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to foresee a medical tsunami coming with osteoarthritis [MORE]
Arthritis Sensor
Any sufferer of arthritis might be right in thinking their joints are “screaming.” Indeed, an arthritic knee makes a [MORE]