Smartwatch app detects Afib in large Chinese study
“A truly massive screening study in China spanning more than 2.8 million participants [MORE]
Electronic- cardiac catheter
“[R]esearchers [at George Washington and Northwestern Universities] have developed a new type of catheter that conforms well with [MORE]
Confirm-RX heart monitor
In acquiring St. Jude Medical, Abbott picked up an arrhythmia detecting monitor called “Confirm Rx.” About the size [MORE]
Micra Transcatheter Pacing System
Cardiac surgeons at Southampton General Hospital (UK) used a catheter to thread a pill-sized pacemaker through the [MORE]
3-D Measure of the Heart
Previously, Tagline has reported on sensored patches that monitor heart function, but this piece is about [MORE]
Heart beat involves a coordinated action potential and calcium wave impulse propagation in different cells. With that in mind, [MORE]
Wireless Cardiac Monitoring
AT&T and eCardio Diagnostics (Houston, TX) are using machine to machine wireless data transmission for near real [MORE]