Toward precision medicine for anxiety disorders.
“We (Indiana University School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry) endeavored to discover blood biomarkers for [MORE]
Ingestible capsule that could help demystify the gut-brain axis
With funding from the NSF, University of Maryland electrical engineers have developed [MORE]
Melexis MLX90632
This is not an endorsement for Melexis’ (Ypres, Belgium) non-contact temperature sensor, but it does support much of the [MORE]
Happiness probably has an epigenetic basis, but researchers at the University of South Florida have found that a single [MORE]
Neumitra Stress Monitor
Psychiatrists know that unrelenting stress can have serious consequences, from depression and panic attacks to violence [MORE]
University of Warwick (UK) researcher Bernard Casey recently presenting his analysis showing that work-related stress accounted for more loss of [MORE]