New High-Speed 3D Microscope—SCAPE
“[Columbia University] Researchers have developed a technology that could replace conventional biopsies and histology with real-time imaging [MORE]
3D Imaging of the Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm growth
From heart and vascular specialists at the University of Michigan: “Vascular deformation mapping [MORE]
TruLive3D Imager
“. . . TruLive3D Imager is especially suited for multi-position imaging of small embryos (e.g., mouse), 3D spheroids, organoids, [MORE]
3D Blood Vessel Map Reveals Location of Stem Cells
To map blood vessels and stem cells in the brain [mouse], Johns [MORE]
Scanning ion conduction microscopy
Researchers at EPFL in Switzerland report development of “a scanning ion conductance microscope (SICM) for high-speed and [MORE]
3D imaging of human organs using micrometer resolution
“We [at Umeå University, Sweden] present a simple approach enabling reconstruction of antibody [MORE]
3D Mapping of the skin
Researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have built a portable imaging device, relying on a [MORE]
Diabetic peripheral nerves
Imaging scientists at Sweden’s University of Lund write: “Here we demonstrate the feasibility of X-ray phase contrast holographic [MORE]
Ultrasound breakthrough
Electrical and computer engineers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a novel way of using ultrasound for noninvasive imaging [MORE]
3D body scanning
Using a tissue scaffold with arrays of sensors, tissue engineers at Purdue University have shown how to monitor [MORE]
RA- early diagnosis with imaging
Oxygenated blood absorbs infrared light in a way (glows brighter) that reveals inflammation indicative of rheumatoid [MORE]
Adjustable length artificial hip
Hip prostheses can result in a leg that is a little too long or a little too [MORE]
Explorer scanner – full-body scanner
A whole body scanner, called “Explorer,” combines PET and CT technology into a machine that is [MORE]
MAMMOMAT Revelation
Quoting directly: “Siemens Healthineers has just received FDA clearance for its MAMMOMAT Revelation. It is the first mammography system [MORE]