Innovative MRI Scanning
New sensor detects errors in MRI scans
“Hvidovre Hospital has the world’s first prototype of a sensor capable of detecting errors [MORE]

Med-Gemini, Futuristic AI in Medicine
Google’s medical AI destroys GPT’s benchmark and outperforms doctors
“Perhaps the most notable aspect of Med-Gemini is the long-context processing capabilities [MORE]

Joint Commission’s New Standards for Telehealth
Joint Commission launches new telehealth stamp of approval for virtual healthcare providers
“The Joint Commission announced . . . a new [MORE]

Bluetooth Wearables in Elder Care
Quality in care homes- How wearable devices and social network analysis might help
“In this paper, we [University of Leeds researchers] [MORE]

External Patch Acts as Voice Box
New AI-powered patch lets wearers speak without vocal cords
“The patch-like device [developed at UCLA] is comprised of a self-powered sensing [MORE]

Nuances in Healthcare
Michael Dowling- 9 healthcare nuances that defy simple criticisms
Wise words: “Healthcare is multi-dimensional and extremely complex. It accounts for 20% [MORE]

Top Ten Patient Safety Concerns
10 urgent patient safety challenges in 2024
“The ECRI [Emergency Care Research Institute, Plymouth Meeting, PA] publishes independent medical device evaluations, [MORE]

Future of Biomedical Engineering
Grand challenges at the interface of cngineering and medicine
“. . . five grand challenges with cross-cutting themes and provided a [MORE]

Global Wellness Market Grows to $5.6 Trillion
Dimensions of Wellness
“Global wellness drew $5.6 trillion in revenue in 2022 and is poised to generate $8.5 trillion by 2027, [MORE]

Some Issues with “Personalized Medicine”
Personalized medicine – the pros, cons and concerns
“Legally, a physician is negligent when they fail to follow generally accepted practice. [MORE]

Antibacterial Titanium Implants
A sample of the antibacterial titanium alloy (center) is tested for fatigue resistance
“Developed by scientists at Washington State University, it [MORE]

Monitoring Circadian Disturbances and Frailty Risk in Older Adults
Circadian rhythm and frailty
“We [at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA] investigated prospective associations of circadian disturbances with incident frailty [MORE]

e3-Skin with Machine Learning Capability
3D-printed epifluidic electronic skin
“Here, we [engineers at Cal Tech] , present a universal semisolid extrusion–based three-dimensional printing technology to fabricate [MORE]

Synovium-on-a-Chip Simulates Osteoarthritis
Dr. Timothy Hopkins holding a synovium-on-a-chip in his lab
From Queen Mary University of London: “The current study presents a multi-channel, [MORE]

A Pill that Mimics Exercise
Exercise in a Pill- the new ERR Agonist “SLU-PP-332”
“SLU-PP-332 is a part of a new class of drugs known as [MORE]

Comprehensive Survey of ChatGPT Research
Summary of ChatGPT-Related research and perspective towards the future of large language models
“We [at Shanghai Normal University] performed an in-depth [MORE]

Tracking Blood Pressure with a Smartphone
Inexpensive device uses smartphone to monitor blood pressure
“Blood pressure is an important indicator of cardiovascular health, but accessing a traditional [MORE]

eSkin Mimics Sense of Touch
New e-skin’s nerve-like impulses help to communicate with the brain
“Mechanoreceptors in human skin can sense the delicate weight of a [MORE]

Brain-Computer Implant Restores Speech
Two brain-computer interface systems restore speech in separate UCSF, Stanford studies
“[To restore speech], the electrode panel implanted on the patient’s [MORE]

Sweet Spots for Innovation in Healthcare
What is a Chief-Sustainability-Officer?
“The Labor Department’s Occupational Network ranked chief sustainability officers as the job that requires the most innovation [MORE]

AI and Unmanned Aerial Drones in Healthcare Delivery
The evolving roles of drones in healthcare
“Integrating machine learning capabilities into the drone technology platform expanded the playing field significantly [MORE]

Brain Cell Transplants
New brain cells can replace diseased and aged cell
“Uncontrollable movements, memory loss, mood changes, and forgetfulness. That are some of [MORE]

Wearable Monitors Blood Flow to the Head
STAT Health launches first in-ear wearable to measure blood flow
“US-based digital health company STAT Health [Boston, MA] has introduced a [MORE]

Smartphone Attachment Registers Blood Pressure
Ultra-low-cost mechanical smartphone attachment for no-calibration blood pressure measurement
“We [engineers at the University of California San Diego] propose an ultra-low-cost [MORE]

Soft Artificial Muscles for Robots
An Electric Self-Sensing and Variable-Stiffness Artificial Muscle
From engineers at Queen Mary University of London: “Herein, a novel electric AM [artificial [MORE]