2009 Program Schedule

8:00                  Registration, Continental Breakfast, Exhibits

9:00                  Welcome and Introductions

Robin A. Felder, PhD, Conference Chair

G. Terry Sharrer, PhD, Conference Co-Chair

9:10  Using Technology to Connect the Dots Between Acute Care and

Community-based Care  for Older Americans  with Chronic Conditions

Howard W. Deichen, MBA, Executive Vice President, MedAssets

9:45   The Anatomy and Physiology of Healthcare Reform: Taking Stock in American
Political Theater….

Kevin Fickenscher, MD, CPE, FACPE, FAAFP,
Vice President,  Strategic Initiatives, Dell  Perot Systems-Healthcare

10:15                Networking Break/Exhibits

11:00    Bridging the Valley of Death, Medical Genetics 2.0, and other Tales of
Translational Genomics Research

Dietrich Stephan, PhD, CEO, Ignite Institute for Individualized Health

11:30   Telemedicine: The Reality of the Most Overlooked Tool of Healthcare
Challenging the Mandatory Face-to-Face Visit

Alan Dappen, MD, Medical Director, DocTalker Family Medicine

12:00                 Lunch and Exhibits

1:15    The Business of Revolutionizing Healthcare

Christopher Wasden, EdD, MBA, Managing Director
Health Industries Strategy and Innovation, PriceWaterhouseCoopers

1:45   Integrated Process Management Information Technology: The Next Generation in
Medical Efficiency

Bill Harten, MS, Founder and Chief Executive  Officer, UNIConnect

2:15                   Refreshment break and exhibits

2:45     The Technology-Enabled Nurse

Pamela Cipriano, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Special Advisor to                        CNO, UVa Health System and,  Editor-in-Chief of American Nurse

3:15   Systematic Savings, Improved Access, Greater Availability & a Free eHealth
Infrastructure: Possible? Yes

Peter Suma,  HBSc, MBA, LLM, PDAM, ICD.D
Co-Founder, President & Chief Operating Officer, PharmaTrust

3:45                  Closing Remarks Drs. Felder and Sharrer

Program Evaluation and Adjourn