240 Genomes Sequenced in 50 hours
April 8, 2014 | Terry Sharrer

Beagle Computer
The day of the $1,000 genome may have already arrived, but that’s only for the cost of sequencing. Analyzing the data (i.e. comparing an individual’s sequence to larger databases) remains beyond what most people assume the “$1,000 genome” means in terms of cost and turnaround time. To improve the prospects for data analysis, researchers at the University of Chicago have shown that Argonne National Laboratory’s Cray XE6 supercomputer can simultaneously process the sequence data of 240 full genomes and produce results in a little over two days. With this high speed capability, these researchers foresee analytic costs also falling to the $1,000 level. MORE
Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory and ScienceDaily.com