Robots Come to the Rescue in High Volume Bio-Banking
Bio-banking is the creation of repositories of biological and/or genetic specimen. The sample types stored can be extremely diverse in their nature. As areas of research supported by large human sample collections and bio-repositories grow the demand for quality samples becomes the norm. Laboratory Automation aided by robotics is essential for handling increasing bio-specimen collections. However, designing and programming robots to do even relatively simple repetitive tasks requires special training. Proper training and knowledge in the use of liquid handling equipment is necessary for processing bio-specimen since there are many techniques that can only be learned through trial and error. Knowing which automated liquid handler meets your needs requires becoming familiar with the terminology, capabilities and common uses. A workshop course that will introduce you to the technology, terminology and capabilities while allowing you hands on experience on actual automated liquid is available at Three course will be held on various aspects of robot management: 1) Stanford Genome Center, June 27, 2013 with a focus on validation and calibration 2) Zurich, Switzerland, August 5th ,2013 (sponsored by RegenHu) how to use tissue printing robots, 3) Harvard Medical School, November 11, 2013, focusing on application based methods. These courses are held in cooperation with Stem Cells Europe, World Biobanking Summit and Cellular Therapy Summit.
Automation Trainer, LLC.
Ph: (617)7-LabAut or (617) 752-2288